The "DeLay" Is Over

I have maybe heard of this guy Tom DeLay about 5 or 6 times. I couldn't tell you much about him except that he's from Texas. You know from "Full Metal Jacket" that only "steers and queers" come from Texas. Well to be fair he probably isn't either one. From his biography, Mr. Tom DeLay is one of those guys that has worked hard all of his life to get to where he is at now. But with success many times comes critics and enemies.. this has probably "steered" him the wrong way and is now why he is facing a felony charge of Criminal Conspiracy. That one holds a minimum jail sentence of 6 months.. unless of course you are Tom DeLay.
With his indictment by a grand jury, he is going to be inactive for a while (that's an understatement). His role has been tremendous from the Texas legislature to getting President Bush elected for a second term. Basically, he helped to redraw the voting districts in Texas that allowed more Republicans to be in both the Texas legislature and in the House/Senate. (So THATS why the Republicans have a majority!)
So.... is this guy guilty? Who cares? He's a politician, most of them are guilty of something anyways. That's the whole meaning of the word politician: To make policy on something.. or in my words.. to screw someone or something over so that you can acheive a goal. Even if its not illegal, its very hard to keep it from being immoral. To counter this though I would have to say we need politicians. Just like we need janitors, judges, policemen, and black athletes.
But one thing I would like to see are people like janitors to clean up the shit that politicians barf out. I use janitors metaphorically because in this example the janitor is the common, everyday, good sensed person. Politicians don't care about janitors... Many politicians say they will look after the interests of the American people or the people in their area of office. They can't do that though.. they can only look after the MAJORITY interest. This majority interest is usually the one that gets them in the office in the first place. I don't think its fair to say that politicians should be looking out for everyone, they just need to stop using that cliche. So, what's my point with the janitors. My point is that as long as we have more janitors to clean the shit up than politians that barf it out, our country as a whole will remain very strong.
Look at the whole New Orleans situation with the flooding from two hurricanes? Who is to blame? Everyone, Someone, Noone? Again, who cares? No matter who speaks they are politicizing themselves.
Cindy Sheehan did it right. She lost a son in the war and proactively speaks to get other parents who suffered the same thing into the fray. Do you think if she waited on approval from government officials for the war that she would be speaking out? I don't agree with the anti-war protest, but that is her First Amendment rights, good or bad. She got arrested the other day.. but she researched and became educated on the consequences BEFORE she acted. Thats why she did some fingerprints, took her citation and walked out of the police station.
The problem arising is that everyone wants to be a politician of some sort. This directly results from two things: 1) increased responsibility by the masses and 2) the sharp turn towards an over-litigous society. You can sue anyone for anything for any reason.. and many people do this. However, what's lacking is a proactive education. If everyone took the initiative to investigate things before they did them, then we wouldn't have frivolous lawsuits, and government officials would not leave thousands of people to their unnecessary deaths from mother nature.
LESSON 8: Always know what you are getting into before you do it and be proactive about it.
Anotherwords, don't wait on other people or things to put something on you were you have a load of crap to clean.
When Tom DeLay got indicted for the Criminal Conspiracy charge, that was a victory for the janitors.
Now go! Be proactive and clean up some shit up!
Very well said. BTW - I can remember reading about DeLay 15+ years ago when I was in college and thinking how bad this guy seemed to be. I was amazed that he was representing our country.
There are many times when you are not sure who to believe, but in this case, I think we finally have started to clean the bad guys out. The bad news is it appears there is a lot more to clean.
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